
Sunday, September 11, 2011

911 Oh Yeah, I Remember

Mort Walker acknowledged our sorrow in his Beetle Bailey cartoon today but our reaction was not purely sorrow. Some of it was rage.. Some of it was mine. I had no way to wreak the savage devastation that was in my heart on the object of my hatred so they were spared and so was I. It was an act of hatred and it evokes hatred. 

They struck a target that was NOT their enemy though he dwells among us...and them. Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." 

The same multinational corporations that exasperate foreign cultures are destroying our own. Open you eyes and you will find the enemy but I warn you, you will not like what you see.  Read "What Men Know That Women Don't" by Rich Zubaty.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Arabs Are Not Happy.

In an email this morning ----
Kinda chuckled a little when I first read this...thenI began to think, ' hey, whoever wrote this has a good point. These guys don ' t like what they have, covet what others have, then ruin it for everyone once they get what they want ' ...sound familiar???


            Conclusion: The Arabs are not happy!!!

· They are not happy in Gaza ..
· They are not happy in the West.
· They are not happy in Jerusalem ..
· They are not happy in Israel .
· They are not happy in Egypt ..
· They are not happy in Libya ..
· They are not happy in Algeria ..
· They are not happy in Tunis ..
· They are not happy in Morocco ..
· They are not happy in Yemen ..
· They are not happy in Iraq ..
· They are not happy in Afghanistan ..
· They are not happy in Syria ..
· They are not happy in Lebanon ..
· They are not happy in Sudan ..
· They are not happy in Jordan ..
· They are not happy in Iran ..

So, where are the Arabs happy?
· They are happy in England ..
· They are happy in France ..
· They are happy in Italy ..
· They are happy in Germany ..
· They are happy in Sweden ..
· They are happy in Holland ..
· They are happy in Belgium ..
· They are happy in Norway ..
· They are happy in the U.S.
· They are happy in Romania ..
· They are happy in Hungary .

They are happy in any other country in the world that is not under a Muslim rule.

And whom do they blame?

· Not Islam.
· Not their leadership.
· Not themselves.
     They blame the same countries in which they are happy to live.

Democracy is really good for them :
        In a democracy they can live comfortably, enjoy the high quality of life which they did not build and work for.  They don ' t have to be productive and earn a living.  They can be wild, pray in the street and break the law, exploit the social services, and bite the hand that feeds them.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

God's Standards

Rom 12:2) Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and (Philippians 2:5) Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.

If you need some facts to rely on as you nail these axioms into your spiritual temple consider that half the people you know are below average.  It amuses us … makes us laugh but we know it is shockingly true.  If you’ve seen videos of adults walking the streets that couldn’t tell you something that a fifth grader should know, you know what I mean … but without thinking we often pattern ourselves on their values.

Maybe I’m being too hard on us.  Everybody knows that lawyers are very bright and there are a lot of them.  They make our laws and we rely on them to settle our disputes but our experience of dealing with them leads us to joke that 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.  Again, another group we don’t want to pattern ourselves on.

The world’s standard is not consistent.  It is lenient as the world applies the standards to itself and harshly judgemental as it applies them to others (just the reverse of what God wants).  The world does not realize that its attitudes and institutionalized actions dig a pit for every human soul because all have sinned egregiously, shamefully, and repeatedly.  Yeah, we all know that but what can we do?

It’s not easy to find a reliable pattern (because it does not exist in this world) … well yeah, there is that old book on the coffee table covered with dust … and it does talk about a person that lived by that other standard … but I think they crucified him a long time ago.  Oh, yeah I’ve heard of some people who live like Haggai advised in 6:8 doing what is right, being merciful to those who err and humbling themselves before God but they’re not very popular with my friends. (James 4:4 Friendship with the world is enmity with God.)

I hope you don’t find yourself in agreement with the guy in the last paragraph because he is missing out on a joyous way of living.  In Galatians 5 we are told to walk in the spirit so we won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh and that when we do walk in the spirit we will find our lives full of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.  As you know there is no law against such things so we do not need to fear condemnation … especially from God.

If such a life sounds tepid and unappealing, the experience of your brothers and sisters (who may not be among the pews you are familiar with) has been anything but boring.  Remember Jesus said to take his yoke upon you because His yoke is easy and his burden is light (Math 11:30).  It is likely that you will find such a life full to the brim with way more “excitement” than you could handle on your own.  Good thing Jesus, your yoke partner, will do more of the work than you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

News Release: Heaven Being GIven Away! - (A dramatization)

Heaven, BC 2100: News Release
God Plans to “Give the Kingdom Away”

Hanging around in the hallway outside the main meeting room, one noticed an unusual hum as the angels exited.  Coming closer I overheard one angel ask another for confirmation of what he had heard. 

At that point the Herald Angel exited the Audience Hall and proceeded to the Pulpit of Heaven.  Speaking with the very voice of God he had everyone’s attention as he announced that, on a certain Sunday, AD 33, “Elohim, who holds unfettered title to all of heaven will convey all his right, title and interest in and to Heaven and all its appurtenances to his Son, Jesus,  and to his co-heirs from that day forth ... free and clear of all encumbrances [there have never been any anyway], to enjoy without let or hindrance of any kind… etc, ad infinitum “… (literally-almost)!  I didn’t get it all and I needed some background for this story.

As the Angels explained the conference that preceded this announcement they had heard reports from Enoch and leading angels.  The picture that emerged showed clearly that for blessed ages God had been fine tuning his masterwork and had selected one to receive the covenant.  The angels had been disappointed with Adam but God had anticipated that result and had plans that would prepare mankind for the offer that had all heaven talking.  It would involve careful and diligent oversight of a chosen people and a personal visit by God himself among the insignificant (if not for His care) inhabitants of this world that would culminate in his death…yes it would be a real death… and his resurrection. 

The plan was for Abraham to receive the covenant (promise) of God to bless Abraham and make Abraham a blessing to all the nations simply for believing and trusting God and for Abraham’s children to multiply and learn the hardest lesson of all “that it would be impossible to satisfy God by meticulous observation of all his righteous decrees.”  While they were learning this, God would be telling them through his prophets, that he was coming for a visit and how the people were to recognize him, being born of a virgin, etc.  When God did come in the guise of his Son, Satan (who was the instrument by which Adam had been diverted from his original destiny) would oppose him and unwittingly overplay his hand so that God could have it his way (as he - happily - always does in the end).  You see Jesus would accept his death, offering a sinless sacrifice of infinite worth that could cleanse all mankind throughout the ages and present them to His Father… holy, without spot or wrinkle or loss of even one, to share Heaven with them forever.  In spite of his generosity some would not accept this gift because they would have to admit that what they called righteousness was like filthy rags and while they could get real righteousness they could do so only by letting Jesus live out his life in them.

Oh, normal eardrums would have burst to hear the explosion of joyous celebration when God finished telling about his plans, which took much longer to describe with all the details (that I left out).  As he was going through His plan, He would stop occasionally to answer a question, like the one about  how unqualified mankind is to be made priests ('middle managers'-if you will) in charge of dispensing God’s grace.  God said, “Yes they will be overly concerned with portraying My majesty and righteousness, hoping to clothe themselves in the righteousness of which they speak even though I prefer to be known by My mercy.  At the same time they will demand much of others but will hide their secret need of me and their regular reliance on My forgiveness.  They’ll be dipping in the cookie jar of forgiveness and refusing to share with others but I’ll take care of that.”

Well, I filed my story and began watching events unfold.  Over the ages as I waited and watched, I observed that God knows every thought and motive of the heart even as it forms and He knows when “enough is enough”.  Man knows nothing except the evidence of his senses.  God knows the purpose of each life and how that life may best bring him glory.  God’s judgment has at times astounded us with its severity as when the earth swallowed up the whole families of Korah, Dathan, Abiram and his followers. We are shocked but then we presume to exercise his vengeance without the benefit of his wisdom and compassion … without the all-encompassing knowledge that takes in the full breadth of our personalities, … our most elevating dreams/aspirations and our most depraved appetites.  Men don’t realize how blind they are nor do they know how willing God is to supply what they lack (as Jesus brother James put it) “without chiding them for what they don’t know.”

Correcting human frailties, God has used other nations and among his own people, the judges appointed for the administration of justice, but he, knowing our penchant for excessive punishment, made it clear that punishment was to be limited and when he said forty lashes… he meant 40 lashes and not one lash more lest their fellow Israelite be “degraded” in their sight, Deu 25:3.  At least citizens had the protection of the law but when one nation is used to discipline another nation, it seems that all bets are off and God often has to rein-in the enthusiasm with which other nations inflict pain on Israel.  In Zech 1:15 God said he was only a “little” angry and the nations he chose to discipline Israel went “too far” with the punishment.  Jer 51 records another instance in which Babylon (this time) incurred God’s judgement “for all the wrong they did in Zion”.

The prophesies were given and fulfilled and true to his word he showed up. 

How lucky we are that our judge is the same as our lawyer.  If this were a human judge we would have to disclose a conflict of interest and recuse himself but no intelligent person would try to call God’s hand on this and demand to know “What he thinks he’s doing - acting as the accused’s attorney?”  It is clearly to our advantage that he performs this dual role as High Priest and King in the order of Melchizedek.  Heb 4:15 tells us that Jesus is able to put himself in our shoes (indeed has already DID so but without sin),  and has already taken the punishment (death) for our offences.  The court of heaven knows that is as far as you can take vengeance.  Man’s darkened spirit would still like to find a way to enforce consecutive life sentences or multiple death sentences.

When God in the form of Jesus forgave the paralytic his sins the Pharisees thought he was committing sacrilege by arrogating to himself the right to forgive sins but that is precisely what God wants man to do…forgive one another…and forgiving sins is what Peter (and all of us) are empowered (and encouraged) to do.  Whatever we...loose on earth is loosed in Heaven.  Our Master wants us to give the kingdom away to those who know they can not afford it (but GOD CAN AFFORD IT: There would be a song written several thousand years later that beautifully expresses it like this For out of his infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again.]).

Sin surely deserves punishment but when persons, or states or nations take on the responsibility for administering that punishment they invite the supervision by the Supreme Judge Himself who will determine whether the punishment truly “fit the crime” and if the punishment strays into excessive damage or degradation God will bring the under-judge to account for his actions.

I don't know how Moses missed it (if he did) but Christ cleared up the confusion, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged.   Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.  Forgive, and you will be forgiven."  Sounds simple and it is obviously very important if WE want a favorable reception in the court of Heaven in spite of all the stuff WE'VE done.  Still this may be the most frequently violated spiritual "law".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

STAR TREK NEW GENERATION – We’ll Always Have Paris

In this episode a brilliant scientist is affected by his own experiment with time and alternate universes and in the medical bay of the "Enterprise" expresses his bewilderment to his wife by saying “I’m having trouble holding the moment.”  His body was still physically in this world but his perceptions, logic and emotions were focused on a different reality. 

Any Christian who takes seriously the transformation of the new birth and the different mindset he senses has already experienced the scientist’s disorientation.  Paul instructed the Phillipians to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,” and he told the Romans to be “transformed” by the renewing of their minds so they could find out for themselves what God wanted them to do.

It is not something that is natural to the human nature either to do personally or to relate to in someone else.  One of the reasons Jesus was not understood was that his answers revealed God’s perception of man’s issues and man had no common reference.  Jesus tried to bridge the gap with parables but even then the elect apostles needed explanations to get the point.  He once spoke of this difficulty when he said "I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe, how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?"  People could tell by the miracles that his grasp of God’s truth was superior to their own but they could not rise to his level until He indwelt them by Holy Spirit.  Then the weak, the timid, the frightened apostles could speak with such power and authority that it was obvious that they had been with Jesus.

The “flesh”, our humanness, continues to exert a powerful influence over the Christian and often neutralizes the effectiveness of our new nature and the privileged position we hold as children of God who can approach the creator of the Universe with the simplicity of a child and ask him for whatever we need.  The child of God who languishes in Earthiness can not help being miserable and though the word seems to say in 1 Cor 3:15 that he will be saved, it will nevertheless be as though he is a stick of wood that is plucked from the fire, having lost all that God meant for him to have and to be.

Sometimes, Christians have been asked to suffer death for their faith starting with Stephen’s stoning (soon after Jesus’ ascension) and continuing into our present day as Christians in India and other asian countries are stoned for their faith.  Only Christians who can “hold the moment” can endure as Stephen did, even praying for his slayers, that God would not hold that sin to their charge.  He truly is an example of someone who could “see” the other reality.  “Oh God, open My eyes and let me see the host of God all around me to give me strength.”

We are accustomed to look for acceptance from our fellow men as a measure of whether we are doing the right thing but ultimately the world is Christ’s enemy and if we follow him closely we also will have troubles in this world. (John 16:33)  Christ knew that the hour of his torturous death and the thing he feared most, the separation from his Father was at hand, but he who inspired Paul to write the Ephesians (6:13) “…having done all to stand” gave us the example of himself.  Oh God. Help us to “Hold the Moment”.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Black Devotion to African Roots

A black friend posted a piece of African cultural music on face book to which responded honestly.

Pardon me, but my informed guess is that not one in a thousand blacks understand this language any better than I understand Gregorian chants. I appreciate the harmonies and the haunting quality melodies but I am not inspired to greater exertions of the spirit by such performances and I wonder ... other than the fact that the performers are black like you and the rhythms may appeal to you... what do you find here to recommend to an American audience that has not grown up in an African culture? What does it say to American blacks that still have to look for and hold an American job if they intend to be productive and contributing members of the nation that lost 360,222 men in the civil war fighting for their freedom?

I am not insensitive to the long history of black tragedy but this kind of distraction of blacks from their rightful...yes in in our society is not helpful. I suspect that most people both white and black are woefully ignorant to the fact that most whites arrived in the colonies and later the United States, fleeing from indentured servanthood and serfdom in all the nations of Europe. (Serfdom is just another name for slavery in which they were the property of the land owners.)

You are well read. Have you read Michner's "Poland"? I'm not a historian or I could refer you to many, many more. We all ... white, black and hispanic better get a grip! If we don't come together against the forces that are even now tightening the noose around our necks we will be forced to accept slavery as the condition of our lives until a later generation with nothing but the eternal spark of hope for liberty to sustain them throws off these new chains and oppressors at great cost.

I believe you have great leadership skills within you. God is calling all of us to lead his people (white and black) out of bondage to unproductive modes of thinking including the pitting of race against race or age group against age group. Bless you my brother.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Does the Universe Have a Purpose?

Most of this was posted as a comment on Rabbi Wolpe's report on Huffington Post about a conference of a very diverse group of wonderfully intelligent men considering the question that is the subject of this post.  They would not allow me to say as much as I wanted so here it is.

My observation may already have been made by Craig and Geivett, and having scanned the comments below, it is clear that a strong bias exists against faith, nonetheless this seems clear even for a total rationalist.  No man makes something without a purpose, either utilitarian or artistic. Since the universe began at a particular point in time (and no one argues with this), the rational question of an unbiased mind would be how did a uniform emptiness 13-14 billion years ago "develop" the tremendous potential of the universe we see.  There was nothing there to act on other things that were not there...unless there was some "thing" that was not a "thing".

Some men hold that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  These men, like other men, often err but personal (or group) failures can not invalidate any truth they found accidentally or truth that was revealed to them.   Science may presume to describe the mechanism of how sub atomic particles acted at the moment of insemination but science has no tools to examine the attributes of someone who transcends the laws of this universe.  Men of faith can not present God to you on a petri dish for your examination but God has presented you with a dilemma and wiggle with all your might but you wrestle against truths you already hold inviolate, 1) all closed systems tend to disorder rather than order, 2) the universe being all there is, admits of nothing outside itself and is thus a "closed system" 3) scientists (not men of faith) have proven that the universe is headed for a cold death so the universe will not recreate looks like it was MADE.  Can we believe that we act with more purpose than someone who transcends the laws of this universe?  Only if we abandon all reason.  Can it be that the purpose is to "rub our noses" in the fact of his existence?